A Love Letter

posted in: Community, Mindfulness | 2

A couple weeks ago I wrote about the kindness of strangers that I have witnessed as I recover from a broken leg. While this continues to be the case, I am particularly struck by the caring nature of my friends and family.

I’ve written several articles over the years about the importance of community, and there are ever-stronger studies that indicate community may be the most important part of a healthy life. My own community has helped me in immeasurable ways over the years, and I often cite it as one of the three things – along with my mindfulness practice and time in nature – that helped me heal from loss. I don’t need science to tell me what I already know to be true.

You all came through, in spades, and I am deeply grateful for each of you. I know I don’t tell you enough, and I am. This is a love letter to you.

To those that sent me healing thoughts, and may not have reached out because you weren’t sure how to, or weren’t comfortable, I felt you. Thank you for your kindness.

To everyone who called, texted, emailed, and sent me messages of well wishes, you don’t know how much they meant to me. You brightened my days.

To those that acted as chauffeurs when I couldn’t drive myself, all my gratitude for taking the time to help.

To my long-distance dear friend who offered to fly out here if I needed help knowing my husband had to leave town a few days after surgery, and who continues to call to check on me, I do know you would have dropped everything to be here if I needed you. I hope you know how much you mean to me.

To my daughter who came to take care of me during that time I couldn’t fully care for myself, even though I know how much you hate to be away from home, I can’t believe I gave birth to such a perfect human.

To my friend who opened her home for a full month (!) when I needed a place to stay without stairs while I fulfilled my work commitments in California. You made me feel at home, gave me a place to rest, and even provided pet therapy I desperately needed while I was away from my own pets. How we got through a month together so easily is a testament to your patience and our friendship. You are amazing. I will always be grateful.

And finally, to my husband, the first familiar face I saw when I came out of surgery. I am so happy we found each other. Thank you for taking care of me, and it’s an honor to take care of you.

While I don’t do cheesy very often (or very well), it was important to me to make this public declaration of my gratitude and love for each of you. You continue to teach me how to be in life. Stay well.

2 Responses

  1. Deborah Smith

    Oh Susan –
    How I wish we lived closer too. I am so glad you are healing well and have such a grand community surrounding you!!!

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