Bowl Me Over

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I secretly hold a desire to open a food truck and I’ve even picked a name – “Bowl Me Over”. Every item on the menu would be a variation on Buddha Bowls, those satisfying meals that are like a giant bowl of yummy goodness. Okay, the secret’s out, so if anyone steals my idea, be sure to at least name a menu item after me.

Buddha bowls are quick & easy to prepare and come in as many variations as your imagination will allow. And they’re super healthy for you! We have them at least once a week for dinner and use the leftovers at least once a week for lunch. Traditionally, it’s a vegan dish, but feel free to add a small amount of meat if you wish. This is another one of those dishes you build, more than follow a recipe, like my charcuterie board. Here are the basics:

  • Start with a base of a grain: Brown Rice, Quinoa, Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat Groats, Bulgur, Farro, Millet
  • Add roasted potatoes: Sweet, Russet, Red, White, Purple, etc.
  • Add roasted veggies: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussells Sprouts, Carrots, Mushrooms, Onions, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Roasted Green or Red Cabbage, etc.
  • Add greens: Sautéed Chard, Sautéed Kale, Fresh Arugula, Fresh or Sautéed Spinach, Butter or Romaine Lettuce, etc.
  • Add a protein: Chickpeas, Lentils, Black Beans, Pintos, Tofu, etc.
  • Add any or all extras: Avocado, Seeds (hemp, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame), Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans), fruit, etc.
  • Add a sauce: Lemon Tahini, Tahini Bar-b-que, Avocado Dressing, Teriyaki, etc.

Basically, use what’s in your fridge or in your veggie box for the week. Put the bowl together in the above order, not mixing – that’s up to whomever is doing the eating! Don’t be limited by the list above – get creative. In the mood for Mexican? Quinoa, russets, Mexican seasoned mixed roasted veggies, raw or roasted cabbage, pintos, pumpkin seeds, pickled jalapenos, guacamole – BAM, got yourself a fiesta in a bowl! Craving Asian? Rice noodles, mixed stir fry veggies, sautéed spinach, mung beans, sesame seeds, avocado, Asian peanut dressing. Easy, right?

Okay, now that you have the basics, here’s how I put together the pictured bowl from last night, sort of a tropical vibe, with what I had on hand:

  • Base: Brown Rice
  • Roasted Veggies: Broccoli, carrots, onions, mushrooms, summer squash
  • Greens: Shredded cabbage, broccoli slaw mix
  • Protein: Air fryer tofu (tofu marinated in soy sauce and coated with nutritional yeast, airfried for 10 minutes shaking half way through)
  • Extras: Mango and pineapple
  • Sauce: Homemade teriyaki (Primal Kitchen Hawaiian BBQ Sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar, ground ginger)

That’s it! Easy Peasy, and so many variations. This would have been nice with avocado, but I didn’t have any on hand. And adding sesame or hemp seeds would be a good addition. If you want to add a little bit of oil to the sauce, it makes it stick better to the ingredients. So, play around with it, make it yours, and make it often!

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