A Healthy Brain is a Happy Brain!
We pay more attention to the health of our body than we do the health of our brain. Just as there are many things you can do to preserve the health of your body, you can also take steps to … Continued
We pay more attention to the health of our body than we do the health of our brain. Just as there are many things you can do to preserve the health of your body, you can also take steps to … Continued
I love my naps. I don’t take one every day, but when I do, I feel so much more focused and grounded. I’m not a great nighttime sleeper, and for so long I avoided naps because I thought they would … Continued
Most of us have a vague idea of what we’d like to accomplish, but few have true, concrete goals. A goal is analogous to a target. With a goal, you have a definite direction and purpose. Though we’ve all been … Continued
I’m not one of those “do as I say, not as I do” kind of people. For instance if I’m going to teach meditation, I better be keeping a regular practice myself. And I do, almost always, at least once … Continued
2020 has been overwhelming. The holiday season can be overwhelming. All this adds up to one heck of an overwhelming 2020 holiday season. For many people, the best part of the holiday season is spending time with family. For others, … Continued
This has been a challenging year, and here we are at Gratitude Week. While most of us look forward to enjoying a festive meal with friends and family, that may not be happening this year. So how can you cultivate … Continued
When we center our expectations on something, we experience hope, and that is one powerful emotion. Your hope is like a wish for something to happen. Choosing hope over fear drives you to action, believing that a better world is … Continued
We all experience grief, it’s a universal emotion that is a result of loss. Grief can result from any loss really. We have all grieved the loss of a loved one, and my practice continues to help me through the … Continued
Okay, today I’m all about baseball, because the LA Dodgers just won the 2020 World Series! A life long Dodger fan, I never dreamed I’d get to go to baseball’s big dance, but there I was, in Arlington, Texas, at … Continued
As a meditation teacher, I hear a lot of different reasons why people want to learn to meditate. Most often I hear “I’m just so stressed!” There are many ways to reduce your stress, meditation is just one of them. … Continued