Why I “NEED” My Sugar
If you’ve ever been to one of Mindful Café’s meditation groups, you know it’s more than just meditation. A big part of the group is the community aspect, and we often spend the first 10 – 15 minutes just sharing. … Continued
If you’ve ever been to one of Mindful Café’s meditation groups, you know it’s more than just meditation. A big part of the group is the community aspect, and we often spend the first 10 – 15 minutes just sharing. … Continued
Raise your hand if you think about food too much, if you get stressed over deciding what to eat, or if you feel like you can’t eat certain foods you love to eat. That has definitely been me, and in … Continued
Potatoes get a bad rap. However, did you know that potatoes are high in iron and vitamin C (which helps the iron absorption), as well as having more potassium than a banana and a good dose of vitamin B6? Potatoes … Continued
Today’s post is the second in a series of articles on what I call the Four Building Blocks of Wellness: Mindfulness, Movement, Nutrition and Community. This one tackles the often confusing topic of nutrition. Good nutrition is simple really, and … Continued
In case you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a vegan. I don’t eat any animal products and the reasons include the tri-fecta of veganism: Health, the Environment and the Animals. You can argue these points with me if you wish, … Continued
We pay more attention to the health of our body than we do the health of our brain. Just as there are many things you can do to preserve the health of your body, you can also take steps to … Continued