Finding Motivation

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Now that I feel like full recovery from ankle surgery is in my future, it’s time I begin the process of returning to an active life. But it’s been almost four months and that’s plenty of time to change habits and lose motivation along with my levels of fitness and activity.

Over the past decade or so, I’ve slowed down a bit, but it’s the first time in my life that I have been this inactive. And so I know it’s time for a change, to find my motivation and look forward to movement again.

After a quick visit to the doctor for all the usual blood tests, I am assured that all is well in that department. A little alarm went off when it my bone density test showed the beginnings of osteopenia. This test shows that my bone density is lower than normal, and while it’s not osteoporosis, it can lead to it. That’s good information to know, as it will inform my strategy.

My biggest challenge here is getting motivated to start, so here is my plan:

What’s my why?
I need to be very clear on why I care about this. Is it to improve my health? My lifespan? My energy level? Is it so I can enjoy that trip to Europe we’re planning. That’s a big YES to all!

Can I adhere to the SMART method of goal setting?
I learned this in a recent health class I took, and I think it can be applied to any goal. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This method is easy to remember, provides clarity, and makes sense.

Will I commit to tracking my progress?
This has been shown to increase the likelihood of success, and has always been an area that I struggle in. But because I really need the help, I’ll commit to tracking in the form of journaling at the end of each day. This should also help with my other little project that going own right now to improve my sleep. I love a good two-fer!

How can I reward my milestones?
This European trip is definitely motivating me, and since it’s a good six months out this is major milestone stuff we’re talking about. I will figure out what that milestone is as part of the planning, using the SMART method. And I will also have a list of some small rewards as I meet goals along the way.

Who is my accountability partner?
Something that has always motivated me in the past is having someone to join me on this journey. This may be someone I walk with, or it may be a class I attend. I’m not sure which right now, and it’s an important part of the plan.

I know this process requires my patience, and that is something that has grown as my mindfulness practice has grown. So I’ll enjoy the process and stay present. How do you motivate yourself?

Update on Stellar sleep app: As mentioned last week, I’ve entered the sleep restriction portion of the program and it is everything I thought it would be, that is, not fun. As the name implies, sleep restriction limits the amount of time you spend in bed to a very narrow window, in my case 12:15am to 6am, to ensure that you are using that time to actually sleep.

I’m not sure I’m seeing any improvement yet. I still wake up in the middle of the night and may have trouble falling back to sleep, so the jury is still out. Without the benefit of a nap during the day (they strongly advise against naps), I’m sleepy all day long. My sleep issue is not usually falling asleep at night, but if it were, I’m sure I would see improvements there – staying up so late means I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

They said the first two weeks of sleep restriction would be the hardest, so I’m not ready to give up. My sleep struggles have been many years in the making, and results will take time. Stay tuned!

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