Holiday Candles

My Holiday Wish for You

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As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have not always been a great fan of the holiday season for many reasons. However, this time of year is important to most world religions, and while I may not subscribe to any one religion, I find a commonality in all. That is what I will celebrate this year and for the year’s ahead.

We fight over beliefs and politics, over any differences really. The thing to remember is that we’re all connected, that we have so much more in common than our differences. Find peace in the quietness of the season, relaxing with loved ones, or introspective solitude. When you create your own peace, you can pass it to others. You might offer a smile or a kind word to someone you don’t usually get along with, or share an inspirational poem with someone who is suffering, or forgive someone. Think of your own ways to experience peace and to share that peace with others.

Joy, that wonderful emotion that brings out the best in us. It is the energy of deep fulfillment, of celebration. Find joy in simple things, a juicy apple, the giggle of an infant, the hug from a grandchild. Then share with others, bringing joy to the world. Surprise someone with a homemade gift, record a song especially for a friend. How do you experience joy and how can you share that joy with others?

Love is a common human need, in fact I believe a need for all life. There are so many different ways to love and to be loved, so many that there dozens of different ways to say love in Sanskrit. Offer yourself loving kindness by finding moments to pause and breathe, and then share that love with others. Create a home where everyone feels loved, safe and protected. Hold that difficult person in your heart, remembering your connection with them. Write a love note to someone you may take for granted. Find ways to show yourself love, accept love from others and show others how much you love them.

When you have faith, you have a strong belief, trust, knowing and confidence that things are as they should be, because of someone or something beyond your full understanding. It’s evidence of things not seen. Author Anne Lamott says that the opposite of faith is not doubt – the opposite of faith is certainty. Have faith that your sorrows will be soothed by a loved one, have faith that the pandemic will come to an end, have faith that your baseball team will win the world series! How do you define your own faith and how can you share that faith with others?

To have hope is to believe that a better world is possible. And at this time in history it can be difficult to have hope, and that’s understandable. Being hopeful doesn’t mean you think everything is just fine, it’s just means you want an outcome to be a certain way. Light a candle as a reminder to embody hope in small acts every day. Plan your next vacation, knowing that this time of isolation will soon be over. Remember a time in your life when you hoped for something and it came to fruition. And give others hope by showing them you care for them and appreciate them, listen deeply when they are upset, comfort them when they’re feeling down. Think about what hope means to you and how you might give others hope.

May the light of this season reside deep in your heart. Remember that a candle loses nothing by lighting other candles, the light just shines brighter. Share your light with others and shine bright.

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