Greeting the Day
Each morning is a new opportunity. We can create a day that nourishes us, or we can meet it with anxiety or dread. The choice is yours. When we first awaken, that moment when we first open our eyes for … Continued
Each morning is a new opportunity. We can create a day that nourishes us, or we can meet it with anxiety or dread. The choice is yours. When we first awaken, that moment when we first open our eyes for … Continued
How’s your sleep? Well, if you’re like 30% of adults here in the U.S., you may suffer from symptoms of insomnia. Thirty percent! That a lot of folks who are awake when they should be sleeping. The importance of sleep … Continued
Well, that was … challenging. And I love a good challenge, but this one took me by surprise. On the heals of my recent article about multitasking (see “Is it Really Multitasking?”), I decided I wanted to be more fully … Continued
Oh! Well hello there Monday! I wasn’t expecting you so soon, yet you continue to arrive right on schedule. You continue to arrive, despite the fact that I am only now writing my Monday morning article (although to be fair … Continued
Here we are at the beginning of December. This can be a stressful time for some, and even if you don’t celebrate a holiday at this time of year, all the activities going on around you can be overwhelming. Here’s … Continued
The other day, our breakfast table conversation centered around the subject of routine. Neither of us like routine, however I understand that routine likes me. I operate better with a routine, accomplishing more, creating healthy habits and feeling less frenzied. … Continued