Unveiling the 2025 Word of the Year

posted in: Mindfulness | 4

This week is the start of the new year and it’s time for a new Word of the Year (WOTY). This year I’ve chosen (drum roll) … adventure!

Although I’ve dabbled in WOTY in the past, last year was the first time focusing on this new custom. I chose whimsy at that time, and the word stayed with me throughout the very challenging year. Challenging? Let’s see. I sold a house that I’ve owned for 36 years, I moved 800 miles away from my community, I had major changes in my professional life, I broke my leg and I had surgery. So yeah, challenging.

The Process

Let me take you though how I choose the WOTY. It’s a process. First I make a list – either on paper or just in my head – of five to ten things that I would like to invite into my life, of how I really want my year to “feel.” This is sort of stream of consciousness writing. Whatever comes up in my mind gets on the list, even if it doesn’t make apparent sense. I’ll worry about that later.

Some that didn’t make the cut this year include: play, create, curiosity, connect, shine. You’ll recall that this is a word, not a phrase. I find this helps keep things simple and easy to remember.

Each of these words conjures up ideas, so I spend a little time with each one. Some are easy to envision, some are more difficult. I focus on the easy ones, which is usually about two or three. Those are the words that resonate most deeply with me.

Finally, I see my life with more of each word in it. This is where the magic happens. One just mysteriously floats to the top, and that is my Word of the Year.

This year, I’m going to create a visual reminder of my word, adventure, to keep it front and center in my life. A simple piece of word art, although a vision board would work nicely too.

The Beauty

Since I’m doing this for a second year, obviously I found value in it. Mostly it was just plain fun! Here are some of the benefits I found:

Gives me a focus: When it’s just one word, there’s no question. This is my focus.

Gives me a sense of direction: If an opportunity comes that I’m undecided about, I just put it to the test. Does it fit my word? Yes – go for it. No – move on.

Helps with the inner work: Choosing a word says a lot about what’s important to me. It invites an inner dialog about what my goals, values, and beliefs are.

Gets me out of my comfort zone: I found myself looking at things just a little differently and re-imagining how something may appear.

Creates happiness: So far my words have been light and fun and, well, whimsical and adventurous. Enough to make me smile. I like that. I don’t want anything heavy or is a lot of work. My word should be something I enjoy carrying with me all year.

I’m looking forward to an adventurous 2025. The England/Ireland trip is already booked! And adventure doesn’t always mean travel. Adventure might look like a new physical challenge, learning new things, volunteering in my new community or discovering a new interest. When I re-read that sentence, the word “new” jumps out at me.

If you haven’t selected a Word of the Year in the past, this is the time to do so. I shared with you what works for me, and you do you. Sit down and spend some time making your list. What might come up may be light and fun and silly (all possible WOTYs) or introspective, courageous and transformative (more possibilities!). And don’t forget to share your WOTY in the comments.

Happy New Year to you and yours and may 2025 hold many new adventures.

4 Responses

  1. Deborah Smith

    Happy New Year Susan! I have done this for a few years now myself. Previous WOTY include: Year of Firsts, Year of Connection, and Year of Whimsy ( I copied your idea last year!) This year I whittled it down to: Year of Magic, Year of Possibilities, and Year of Vibrancy.

    I have chosen… drum roll… Year of Vibrancy!

    And I am to stay alive, healthy, glowing, energetic, and vibrant all year long.
    Be Well!!

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