Who Loves Winter?

posted in: Mindfulness | 2

The winter solstice has come and gone, which means that here in the Northern Hemisphere, we have officially welcomed winter. I have mentioned in earlier posts that I’m not a winter person. I’ve never been a fan of the cold and less daylight doesn’t help. But in the past couple of years I’ve come to enjoy the quiet beauty that winter brings.

This year that is especially true as I navigate the seasons in a new climate. This weekend I was in Southern California where the temperature was in the 70s. I found that I was missing the weather back home. We had just had a big storm with high winds pass through and it was spectacular.

Just this morning, an approaching storm was evident by the turbulent sea. Sneaker waves, had me staying on higher ground and debris was strewn about. I loved it! Its energy awakens me and makes me feel alive. Perhaps it’s a novelty that will soon pass, but I hope not.

As I have watched nature prepare for the winter, I know I have to prepare as well. For instance, here on the Oregon coast I can pretty much count on frequent rain, so if I want to continue my daily walks on the beach I’ll need the gear to keep me dry. She is a good teacher, Mother Nature.

There are things that I will miss about winter in the Sierra Nevada. Those particularly heavy snow storms when I wake up to a clean white cloak of snow covering the ground, when I can walk down the road before anyone has driven on it, when I hear the muffled sound of snow falling from trees. So much beauty in this world. How lucky am I?

It kind of sounds like I love winter, doesn’t it? Wait, what? Curiously to me, I am finding that I do. Yes, I love winter! Huh, go figure. And I think that all those years dreading the return of winter, makes the enjoyment all the sweeter. Like it’s my very first winter.

May your holiday season and everyday be filled with peace, joy, love, faith, and hope and my you embrace all the beauty in this world.

2 Responses

  1. Carolynne

    May your holiday season and everyday be filled with peace, joy, love, faith, and hope and my you embrace all the beauty in this world.


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